art & graphic Julian Fernández Hennemann
Viel Spaß beim Stöbern & Entdecken wünscht Julian Hennemann.
Weitere Infos unter:
Licor 43 / Branding & Communication
Licor 43 / Branding & Communication
Licor 43 / Branding & Communication
Licor 43 / Branding & Communication
HOST Stralsund / Campaign
HOST Stralsund / Campaign / Illustration
ARTWERK Bio- Brandy / Branding & Communication / POS
ARTWERK Bio- Brandy / Branding & Communication / POS
TU Dresden / Branding & Communication
TU Dresden / Branding & Communication
TU Dresden / Branding & Communication
TU Dresden / Branding & Communication
STATE OF THE ART / Generative Artwork / Design & Festival Guide
Radar+ – Projektlogo HOLM Frankfurt / Branding & Communication
Leitstand – Projektlogo HOLM Frankfurt / Branding & Communication
Metiba / Branding & Communication / Webdesign
Metiba / Branding & Communication / Webdesign
Wohnzimmer / Branding & Communication
Red Bull Cola Tour / / Artwork / Poster Design
Hilde Lastenrad / Branding & Communication