After being studying Engineering for 8 years I can tell that I can develop a web site even in a language I have never used. The Engineering experience, gave me the ability of learn how to read a manual faster than a chef can read and do a recipe.
I manage fluently Javascript and php, this is, the AJAX package. As well as HTML and the Cascade Style Sheet CSS which ones I learnt through the W3C web site in a 6 months course in the United States.
The development of web site with dynamic contents allows me to create useful websites, not only for the Company customers, also for the owners who manage it.
##- Resume -##
2002-2010 Escuela técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación.
Master Telecomunication Ingenieur (University of Vigo)
2007-2008 Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes
(10 months in Germany) Electronic Engineering
2009-2010 Bellarmine University. (10 months in the United States)
Graduate Student Project Thesis
Title:”Error detection with CRC calculation and implementation over FPGA for educational purposes”.
Development of a VHDL communications system and its implementation over a FPGA with the aim of helping the students of the course of Data Network understanding the CRC error detection.
- Attended Seminare and Symposium
_2007 “Ciclo de Conferencias sobre Automatización e Ingeniería”. Forum of automatization and Engineering 2007, at the Department of Industrial engineering of the University of Vigo (20 hours).
_2009 November. Northern Kentucky University. Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Annual Meeting.
_2010 February. University of Kentucky. CiberInfraestructure Days.
_2010 May. Poster project presentation: “The Sphinx Beowulf Cluster Computing Project at Bellarmine University”.
- IT skills/Programming Languages
_Use of MySQL Databases, VisualBasic, C, Mathlab.
_Electronic Programation: OrCAD, MicroSim PSpice, VHDL Language. ISE Xilinx, Quartus II, Labview.
_Cadence IC. Serenade desing. Motorola 68000, Intel 8086, processors microprogrammation
_Web development: AJAX, HTML, Javascript, Joomla! CMS.
_Operative Systems: Windows 3.11, NT, 95, 98, 98 S.E.,Xp. MS_DOS.
_Operative System Linux: Fedora, Red hat, Knopix, Suse, Debian, Ubuntu.
_Office languages: Word, PowerPoint, Access, Excel, Publisher.
_Fluent in Internet with diverse web browsers and web Metasearch engines.
Hotel AQUI Salinas, Ecuador Jun 10 – Aug 10
( 2 months) Web development for information and booking contact.
_Development of a complete new website for the Hotel.
_Research to improve customer rating, by creating a customer dynamic website.
_Writing articles in four different languages (English, Spanish, Galician and German) and design an attractive page using a CMS.
PSA-PEUGEOT-CITROËN ( 30 hours) Mar 09 – Jun 09
Assembling Department in the Factory allocated in Vigo, Spain.
_Debugging of the possible error in the behavior of a control circuit which have been using 20 years in the factory.
_Copy of the design with PSpice for future reparations.
_Actualization of every documentation using current software.
Mar 07- Sep 07 & Oct 08 –Aug 09
_Work in the Computer Labs of the faculties of Biology and Global Languages.
_Maintenance of hardware and software updates.
_Management of room networks with Norton Ghost.
TEAXUL S.A., Vigo. (Vigo, Spain) Summer 2006
Technological Scientific center of Applied Investigation.
_Development of new software applications for the Research & Development department.
_Project of software updating, VisualBasic.
_Use of MySQL and PosgreSQL databases, and Perl language.
_Spanish and Galicish: Both native languages.
_English: Fluent. TOEFL ibt 86 points (March 2010).
2 semester exchange student in the USA.
_German: Zertificat Deutsch Goethe.
2 semester exchange student in Germany.
_Portuguese: Fluent speaking, listening and reading.