Back Market
Back Market is the #1 marketplace for refurbished electronic devices in Europe and in the US, leading the way in a shift…

  • Gründung 2014
  • Mitarbeiter 500—999

Über Back Market

We are proud to sabotage‘new’ by connecting highly certified professionals to consumers who are looking for a more affordable, reliable and an ecological alternative to purchasing brand new products.

Back Market is undergoing meteoric growth and has raised over 335M€ already! We have the objective of reaching 650 Back Makers (or Saboteurs) by the end of 2021!

We are thrilled to have an inclusive, fulfilling and caring work environment in all our offices (Paris, Bordeaux, New-York, Prague and Berlin). This is an opportunity for you to join a talented, humble and passionate team at the heart of innovation.

Be a part of the movement. Join the refurb revolution.


Back Market is the #1 marketplace for refurbished electronic devices in Europe and in the US, leading the way in a shift towards a circular economy, freeing the planet from electronic waste.
Anschrift Back Market

D-13355 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Adriane Gruau
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht

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