Objective: Build a responsive property web app to connect busy, 1st-time investors with properties that match what they’re looking for: a good home, a fitting neighborhood & a promising investment outlook for family security. Incorporate time-saving design solutions and improve on competitor offerings to bring new value to our target user.
Design solutions:
Solutions aimed to meet researched, user priorities & market opportunities, & to reduce the friction 1st-time-buyers typically face. Our solutions:
Offer equal weight to user priorities: property, neighborhood (lifestyle) & investment.
Incorporate these throughout the user-journey, starting from search criteria set-up and developing into learning about a property of interest, through the lens of each priority.
Result in agent contact that is focused on better-fit properties, reducing wasteful communication & viewings.
Save users additional time on & off app with suggestions of similar properties, held by the agent they’re contacting. This allows simultaneous enquiries & multiple, good-fit viewings in 1 booking. Various design patterns & features focus on a similar objective.
Reduce complexity & intimidation with 1st-time-investor tips, approachable expertise, relatable social reviews & digestible investment data.
Support a reliable, guided feeling experience, using visual design to balance credibility & approachability and interaction design to orientate with feeling & feedback.