Da Vinci Media GmbH
Da Vinci Learning is an educational TV channel for the whole family.

  • Gründung 2007
  • Mitarbeiter 20—49

Über Da Vinci Media GmbH

Da Vinci Media GmbH operates the Da Vinci Learning television brand worldwide, with headquarters in Berlin. Da Vinci Learning is an educational knowledge channel for whole family, broadcasting to Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, Turkey and Asia. The programme consists mainly of high-quality programmes of international origin.


Da Vinci Learning is an educational TV channel for the whole family.
Anschrift Da Vinci Media GmbH

D-10961 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Ramona Treder
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web en.da-vinci-learning.com
23.07.2013 (aktualisiert )

Netzwerk von Da Vinci Media GmbH

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