dammsavage studio
Design Studio mit location in New York City und Berlin

dammsavage studio

Über dammsavage studio

dammsavage is a full-service design studio specializing in the field of strategic branding and publishing with a focus on (but not limited to) the NGO and Not-For-Profit sector. Founders Ursula Damm and Patrick Savage combine innovative ideas, creative copy-writing and artistic approach with clean and simple design.

With over 10 years of experience in the field of graphic design and art-direction we pride ourselves in digging deep and streamlining ideas to achieve best results for each individual client and project.


Design Studio mit location in New York City und Berlin
Anschrift dammsavage studio
Information gesperrt
Brooklyn NY 11231
Vereinigte Staaten
Ansprechpartner Ursula Damm
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web dammsavage.com

Netzwerk von dammsavage studio

Markus Esser Markus Esser
Fotografie – Lifestyle & Automotive
Berlin 11.03.2014
Dominique Steiner
Fotografie & Video – Art Buying & Bildredaktion
Berlin 11.03.2014

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