Daniela Hamberger
Kommunikationsdesign, Motion Design

Daniela Hamberger
  • Akademischer Grad Bachelor of Arts
  • Tätig seit 2014

Über Daniela Hamberger

Hi, my names are
Daniela Monica Lucia Hamberger.
I’m a communication designer
who loves illustration, graphics, corporate, photography but also the moving image
All my life I wanted to be a designer, ever since I was a child
I was dreaming of it…
No seriously, of course I had no clue about this profession
and which kinds of design there are in the world, when I was a kid.
The truth is that I loved to paint and I loved Disney movies.
So I thought of getting a cartoonist. I grew out of Disney adventures
so I considered to get an artist. Then… I grew up … and had no
plans for my life.
At least I knew I wanted to be creative. And I seriously was, passing
my A-Levels.
After my best friend started to study communiction design I
saw what she was doing and I wanted to do the same.
Then I got to know a designers way of life, about dead lines,
students of other faculties partying and you sitting
at the desk, sleeplessness, procrastination, perfection (at least trying),
Working together with people on new projects, the act of
brainstorming and taking part, creating new worlds.
I love it.
… So I learned to know
… Design is not a profession, it’s your way of life
… you can always master the deadlines
… ‚there are no mistakes, only happy little accidents‘ (Bob Ross)
… work hard, play harder


Kommunikationsdesign, Motion Design
Anschrift Daniela Hamberger

D-83101 Rohrdorf
Ansprechpartner Daniela Hamberger
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