Daniela Kirin
Freelance 2D/3D Animation and Graphic Design Artist

Daniela Kirin


Über Daniela Kirin

Hey there,
I am a freelancing Media Designer with experience in Look and Concept Development, Editing Pictures and Videos, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics and 3D Animation.
My strength lies within my eye for detail and my talent for characteristic and entertaining Animation in 2D and 3D.
I love to work as a freelancer on diverse projects since it unites the best parts of my job: working creative, meeting new challenges and connecting with people.
Currently I am based in amazing Munich but I’d be also willing to relocate for work projects.
If you are looking for a passionate Graphic Designer and/or Animator to help you realise your ideas I’d be excited to hear from you!


Freelance 2D/3D Animation and Graphic Design Artist
Anschrift Daniela Kirin
D-81547 München
Ansprechpartner Daniela Kirin
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
23.03.2014 (aktualisiert )

Netzwerk von Daniela Kirin

Julia Bittruf Julia Bittruf
Barcelona (Spanien) 17.08.2017
Any3D Any3D
3D & VFX Artist Roman Keßler
Königs Wusterhausen 17.08.2017
Kitchenkiss Photography Kitchenkiss Photography
Food & Lifestyle
München 25.03.2014

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