ekomia GmbH
Ökologische Design Möbel


Über ekomia GmbH

ekomia is an aspiring start-up that develops and sells ecologic design furniture. Off the beaten track we create timeless designs that reflect customers needs and set new benchmarks within their ecological balance.

With the production of solid-wood furniture and direct distribution without middlemen we are able to satisfy our customers desire for durable and affordable furniture. A patchwork-like combination of new furniture, DIY and upcycling projects mirrors todays interior zeitgeist and at the same time creates a diverse, highly creative working environment.


Ökologische Design Möbel
Anschrift ekomia GmbH

D-10405 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Jekaterina Piechura
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web ekomia.de

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