Erman Torun Solid business knowledge, worked in ad sector before RSS ProfilEinträgeNetzwerkKontakt Über Erman Torun I had business, marketing, advertising background, worked 7 years professionally. I had online survey through emailing for my master thesis. I started my own business, I took care of each department in detail. I created an online community for Turkish expats, which have more than 2500 members. Microsoft OfficePhotoshop Basic Kontakt Solid business knowledge, worked in ad sector before Anschrift Erman Torun D-12047 BerlinDeutschland Ansprechpartner Erman Torun Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht E-Mail Information nur im Netzwerk Profiladresse Funk 14.11.2018 Netzwerk von Erman Torun Noch keine Kontakte In mein Netzwerk einladen… Teilen Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Per E-Mail weitersagen