International Travellers’ Hostel Ashish Verma
Client: International Travellers’ Hostel
Product: Print Collaterals, Website & Social Media
Project: Brand Management
I have created and developed the brand „ITH“ & „ITH Bistro“ and continue to manage the account whereby I, on a regular basis, create print collaterals and online content, including social media – Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest. My routine tasks include:
- Website Maintenance
- Web Banner & Social Media Content
- Brochure
- Poster
- Billboard
- Food & Drinks Menu
International Travellers’ Hostel Logo
ITH Wi- Fi Fair Use Poster
ITH Glühwein Poster
ITH No Plastic Bottles Poster
ITH Schild
ITH Thank You Card
ITH Visitenkarte Design
Website Snapshot
Social Media Post
Social Media Post for Diwali Greetings
Social Media Post for Summer Advisory
Facebook Cover Image for Monsoon Season
Blog Post Cover Photo
Facebook Cover Image
Facebook Cover Image for Female Dorm Launch
Facebook Cover Image for Holi Festival
Varanasi Travellers’ Map
ITH Bistro Logo
Poster for ITH Bistro
ITH Bistro Wall Decoration
Social Media Content
The Yellow Tuk- Tuk Logo