Beauty Eye7teen Make-up & Hairstyling
Make-Up und Hairstyle by Lucia Maria DeDea – #EYE7TEEN
Make- Up Meisterschaft München
Bösewichte Make- Up
Dirndl – Styling
Brautstyling – Classic
Franz- Schorle - Werbehdreh
Avantgarde – Fashion Shooting
„La Catrina“ Make- Up
Typ- Veränderung durch Make- Up
Brautstyling - Natürlicher Look
Werbedreh „Die Fohlen—Mönchengladbach“
Life Cast SFX
the Power of Makeup
Makink Off—Lost Placess Düsseldorf—2015
Goodess Hairstyle by Eye7teen—AMD Düsseldorf—2016
Goodess Make- Up—AMD Düsseldorf—2016
Goodess Hairstyle—AMD Düsseldorf—2016
Sommer Beauty
Night Beauty
Sweets for my sweet!
@ bodyandblue Fotografie
@ bodyandblue Fotografie
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Shout it loud
@ bodyandblues Fotografie
@ bodyandblues Fotografie
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Mara 1
Sophie 5
Virginia 3
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Virginia2- Mami´s Foto
IMG 2701
Sophie Black1
IMG 1682
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