M.A. Felix Wolter
Archäologie und Grafikdesign

M.A. Felix Wolter
  • Akademischer Grad M.A.

Über M.A. Felix Wolter

I am an archaeologist (M.A.) with 8 years of field work. In addition, I am a trained graphic designer. Combining these two strands, my aim is to optimize the interaction and integration of surveying and 3D documentation with the requirements of traditional excavation documentation.

To this end, I offer a range of support services for archaeological research, such as technical support in the documentation and evaluation of excavation results as well as professional execution of their presentation, publication and archiving. My knowledge of the challenges in the processing of archaeological data can help to identify and avoid labour- and cost-intensive redundancies in advance.

The use of my own up-to-date technical equipment and my many years of experience in various archaeological research projects guarantee high standards and professional handling of your data. This ensures on-time delivery of your documentation results in the form of digital data, plans, illustrations and 3D models.

Please feel free to contact me anytime with your ideas, questions or inquiries.


Archäologie und Grafikdesign
Anschrift M.A. Felix Wolter
D-10997 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Felix Wolter
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web www.felixwolter.de

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