The feature film concept:
We want to influence the film culture, in other words the culture of filmmaking itself in Germany: Away from promotiong, to the financial responsibility and thus also to the un-editorial content. We know: editors belong in the news and documentation area. There they are very important, but they should not suggest to a screenwriter to address his story. Especially in Germany where we have a shortage of films that are produced from the gut, this process is the opposite of what we need. In the structure of an American film production, for example, there is no such post! Producer and author develop the script, which is then told by the director, actors and the crew. Point. Like Pixar and Disney, we want to do storyboard reels of our scripts long before we make a turnaround for a truly scriptable script. The story always happens! If it does not work yet, let us work on it until it is coherent and already acts as a sober narrative. We want to discover the archetypes that underlie the stories and characters. Because as cinematic storytellers, we also have the responsibility to reflect the depth of the human psyche with archetypal expressiveness and clarity.
In this financial emancipation each crew member and each performer is a percentage, depending on the number of hours on set, in the pre-production or post-production, co-owner of the license of the created, finished film. We then offer them to film markets such as the annual European Film Market here in Berlin. The work on the image films is paid us in full day rates, but on the feature film it must make sense in itself for everyone as a creative Herrausvorderung, because the merit is never guaranteed with these models, although we all hoped. However, as a partner in the sale of feature film licenses, we will be assisted by internationally renowned sales representative and producer Omar Kaczmarczek. A producer who was the first to sell a movie for over a million dollars in the 1970s. This movie was called „Superman“,
Extract from the International Movie Database (
):“Omar Kaczmarczyk originated the concept of“segmented rights sales” for movies that is now the industry standard, and helped create the first collection account management system for independent film. As Managing Director of LongTale International, he is now a driving force in the development of new and cutting-edge models for film distribution.”
Das Konzept für die Imagefilme:
In image films we offer ourselves to our clients as filmmakers. So in our offers we will always suggest work with high-quality cinema cameras, storyboards, actors, screenplay, etc. so that we can grow together as a team in this narrative work and at the same time offer the customer something exceptionally sophisticated. Instead of a large invoice with a company charge, the customer gets from each one in the team (if manageable) an invoice in which everyone still receives his full daily rates.
To the concept of Prasadfilme:
The idea is that as filmmakers, as thinking, reasonably conscious beings in the media landscape, we should also think about charitable projects. These do not have to be expensive, but they can do a lot of good things. Here is the forum open to all members of the team who feel called to get involved and propose new projects.