Florian Stumpe
Art Director Motion

Florian Stumpe

Über Florian Stumpe

I am a freelance Director, Designer and Motion Art Director based in Berlin – Germany.

Every new project I take as a surprise, I approach every new assignment with a fresh perspective. My concepts are thought-through, delivered on time and set to fulfil the client’s expectations within his or her particular field. I am a reliable and experienced professional from pitch to finish.

I have experienced every step along the production process of moving images – for commercials as well as title sequences, exhibitions, installations, brand films and broadcast designs.


Art Director Motion
Anschrift Florian Stumpe

D-10965 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Florian Stumpe
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web www.florianstumpe.com
05.10.2016 (aktualisiert )

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