Comic Character Development: Antagonist
Franklin Ponceoyola

  • comic prj vSeq34
  • comic prj vSeq26
  • comic prj vSeq16
  • comic prj vSeq08
  • comic prj vSeq07
  • comic prj vSeq06
  • comic prj vSeq04
  • comic prj vSeq02
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Write down the comic script. Based on that story, sketch out characters’ silhouettes and environments. Once sketched, select one construction type and draw provisional orthographic views. Stress-test the silhouette by drawing the character at different situations in order to visualize anatomic needs and make construction decisions.
Detailed Three‑Quarters view uses definitive lineart and perspective. Turnaround using lineart to preview reproduction needs later on panel drawing. Character Sheet shows character’s acting face deformations.
Clothes & Gear Sheet shows how the character is going to be dressed at every scene in the script. Important for coordinating with other characters and environment, also because of color harmonies.
Paint concept art for main characters and scene environments. Give clues and make decisions about lighting and environment conditions for key scenes in the script.

comic prj vSeq34
comic prj vSeq26
comic prj vSeq16
comic prj vSeq08
comic prj vSeq07
comic prj vSeq06
comic prj vSeq04
comic prj vSeq02
comic prj vSeq01
comic prj vSeq00

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