Gintare Jankauskaite
Searching for a job or interesting activities conected with creating events, doing all useful stuff, writing articles

Gintare Jankauskaite
  • Akademischer Grad bachelor of history
  • Tätig seit 103

Über Gintare Jankauskaite

likes to read books, write articles or novels.

  • have ideas about clothing style, lifestyle and philosophy.
  • am active, clever, unpredictable, hardworking, self-confident and reliable person.
  • have charming smile and sense of humor.
  • could be attractive as an assistant or helper in all kind works, as well as a writer.


Searching for a job or interesting activities conected with creating events, doing all useful stuff, writing articles
Anschrift Gintare Jankauskaite

D-10407 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Gintare Jankauskaite
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