Global Young Academy
The Global Young Academy aims to become the voice of young scientists around the world. To realise our vision we develop…

  • Gründung 2010
  • Mitarbeiter 5—9

Über Global Young Academy

GYA in Brief
The Global Young Academy aims to become the voice of young scientists around the world. To realise our vision we develop, connect, and mobilize new talent from six continents. Moreover we empower young researchers to lead international, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational dialogue with the goal to make global decision making evidence-based and inclusive.
The GYA provides a rallying point for outstanding young scientists from around the world to come together to address topics of global importance. As of 2014, the GYA has reached its full capacity with 200 members, leading young scientists (defined as an average age of 35 years and at the beginning of their independent academic career) from 58 countries and all continents, and 63 alumni. Members are selected for the excellence of their science and their commitment to service and are serving five-year terms. The vibrancy of the GYA results from the energy of its members who are passionate about the role of science in creating a better world. The GYA is governed by an Executive Committee that reflects the diversity of its membership and is supported by a Senior Advisory Board composed of outstanding senior scientists and science managers, respectively.

What we do
Global Young Academy activities focus on science and policy, education and outreach, open science, and the research environment.
The GYA also supports the establishment and coordination of National Young Academies around the world. In the past five years, the GYA has helped to establish NYAs in Egypt, the Philippines, Japan, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Nigeria, Israel, and Kenya, and has co-organized regional and global meetings
As the voice of young scientists around the world, the GYA publishes statements on international science policy and the research environment for early-career researchers. The organization also maintains active links with international science organizations including the UN Science Advisory Board, the IAP – the Global Network of Science Academies, the Global Research Council and ICSU – International Council for Science. As part of its global remit, the GYA works to reduce the science gap between developed and developing countries by connecting young scientists from different countries. GYA members believe that scientists need to contribute more than their own research findings to society. For example, many members take part in science education and outreach activities at schools and universities around the world.

The GYA grew out of discussions amongst top young scientists from around the world convened by the IAP for the Annual Meeting of New Champions of the World Economic Forum (“Summer Davos” meetings) in 2008 and 2009. The GYA was officially founded in February, 2010 with support by the IAP: the Global Network of Science Academies. With the help of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities BBAW and the German Young Academy, the GYA has received start-up funding from the Volkswagen Foundation. Since October 2011, the GYA has an Office hosted by the BBAW in Berlin, Germany lead by a Managing Director with extensive international experience. Since 2014 the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is providing generous core-funding to the GYA for a period of initially three years.


The Global Young Academy aims to become the voice of young scientists around the world. To realise our vision we develop, connect, and mobilize new talent from six continents.
Anschrift Global Young Academy

D-10117 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Sabina Mollenhauer
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht

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