HRS Hotel Reservation Service
The HRS Group is a leading solutions provider for hotel bookings worldwide

  • Gründung 1972
  • Mitarbeiter 1.000 und mehr
  • Impressum

Über HRS Hotel Reservation Service

At HRS GROUP“We love to make it happen”: We are the world’s leading hotel solutions provider and enable business and leisure travelers to search, book and stay in control of their hotel accommodation. It is our goal to make the booking experience simple and smart. Our booking portals combine more than 850,000 accommodations worldwide and form the basis for our innovative end-to-end solutions we are offering to global corporations. The HRS GROUP continues to expand and employs more than 1,500 people in 27 offices across the world – including Cologne, Shanghai, London, Mumbai and Sydney.


The HRS Group is a leading solutions provider for hotel bookings worldwide
Anschrift HRS Hotel Reservation Service

D-50676 Köln
Ansprechpartner Klaudia Brosig
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht

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