Zensur.io: logo & corporate identity Maurizio Piacenza
Logo + corporate image + keynote templates + website’s graphic design templates + short brand book for Zensur.io, a new insurance company that sells motor and travel/health insurance products priced and structured based upon sensor monitoring.
The products are designed to change real-time based upon risk changes as they are picked up by the sensors. Zensur.io primarily will sell and service its insurance products via app partner integrations (i.e. SDK & API).
Key concepts and keywords for this project: zen, clean & simple, modern, friendly, safe & strong, sensing the world/sensors, non intrusive, natural, connecting, danish/scandinavian design.
Safe = Constant control / Symbol = Eye
Sensors = Waves / Symbol = Waves (Wireless)
Strong = Always On (24h/24h) / Symbol = Clock
Zen = Zend Garden / Symbol = Concentric Circles
Maurizio ilpiac Piacenza
Maurizio ilpiac Piacenza
Maurizio ilpiac Piacenza