IXDS is a design studio based in Berlin and Munich.

  • Gründung 2007
  • Mitarbeiter 50—99

Über Ixds

IXDS is a collective of designers, technologists, researchers and entrepreneurs in Berlin and Munich. Collectively, we work towards a shared purpose: To create desirable and lasting impact by empowering individuals, teams, and businesses.

With a unique set of tools and methods, we uncover relevant user and market insights and leverage the best of existing technology to transform these insights into desirable product and service experiences. We work across the digital and analogue to create an enduring impact on organizations and people: Every day, we are getting our heads around how people will live their lives in the future – in smart homes or when they shop, how they manage their health intelligently or get from A to B in a seamless way, how they collaborate and live together in totally new formats. We think about how companies can offer smarter services to their clients and employees, finding smarter ways to manufacture and distribute goods. And we love to prototype this future, day by day: By continuously delivering reference experience prototypes we accelerate the invention and market readiness of meaningful products and services.


IXDS is a design studio based in Berlin and Munich.
Anschrift Ixds

D-10999 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Ixds GmbH
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web www.ixds.com
08.06.2010 (aktualisiert )

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