Jan Reinsch
Ich bin passionierter Full-Stack Webentwickler mit einem Faible für Design.

Jan Reinsch
  • Akademischer Grad Dipl. Inf. (FH)

Über Jan Reinsch

I’m a passionate web-developer with a knack for design. I focus on writing clean, readable and easily extendable code. I love learning new technologies and techniques that help me improve my coding and design skills.

With 8 years of experience and a degree in computer sciences i am a full-stack webdeveloper with an inclination towards frontend development. i can help you build comprehensive, fast and user friendly webapplications and websites that save you time and money. i also do responsive, mobile friendly designs and data visualizations.


Ich bin passionierter Full-Stack Webentwickler mit einem Faible für Design.
Anschrift Jan Reinsch

D-77694 Kehl
Ansprechpartner Jan Reinsch
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web coded-aesthetics.herokuapp.com

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