Johannes P Osterhoff
Interface Artist


Über Johannes P Osterhoff

My name is Johannes P Osterhoff. I have been working as designer, artist, scientist and developer:

  • > as a designer, I have been working for big design agencies in Moscow (Art.Lebedev from 2004 to 2005) and self-employed (since 2007 in Berlin)
  • > as an artist, I have produced several interface-related art works — currently I am using my iPhone publicly for one year (covered by Süddeutsche, Arte, WIRED etc.)
  • > as a scientist, I wrote a book about visual image search in 2006 and have been researching in the field of user interfaces for semantic search since 2010
  • > as a developer, I made my first personal website in 1996, my first commercial website in 1998; today I am an expert of contemporary HTML and CSS, and recently I have been developing rich internet apps with Java and various frameworks


Interface Artist
Anschrift Johannes P Osterhoff

D-10439 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Johannes P Osterhoff
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