Julia Geiss
Senior User Experience Consultant

  • Tätig seit 2012

Über Julia Geiss

With more than 5 years of corporate and agency experience I mastered a set of unique challenges. I established tools and processes for expanding design teams. I’ve successfully delivered and managed digital projects ranging from websites,
cms based responsive websites, mobile apps, kiosk applications and new user onboarding. I supported companies internally like Orion Health in New Zealand, PAYBACK GmbH in Munich, HYVE Innovation Community GmbH in Munich. And I supported a range of companies as a freelance User Experience Designer such as FriendScout24, Sueddeutsche Zeitung GmbH, Notch Interactive, YooCorp and more. I am happy to get in touch and to discuss how I can support you.


Senior User Experience Consultant
Anschrift Julia Geiss

D-79111 Freiburg
Ansprechpartner Julia Geiss
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web juliageiss.myportfolio.com/ ; Password: juliasportfolio

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