Juliane Schwarz
Corporate Design, Editorial Design, Screen Design,


Über Juliane Schwarz

I develop innovative design concepts with the courage to unconventional solutions and a consistent view on the whole complex up to subtle details. For me, a perfect typography is as important as a professional, technically flawless realization. My particular specialization lies in print design – with extensive knowledge of
pre-press, materials and processing.


Corporate Design, Editorial Design, Screen Design,
Anschrift Juliane Schwarz
D-12589 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Juliane Schwarz
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web www.100prozentschwarz.de
20.02.2008 (aktualisiert )

Netzwerk von Juliane Schwarz

www.reizfeld.net www.reizfeld.net
REIZFELD, Online Agentur aus Wien. Webdesign, CMS, Flash und Social Media.
Wien (Österreich) 15.11.2010
Volodymyr Palonka Volodymyr Palonka
PSD zu (x) Bootstrap 3, Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, TYPO3; JS
Freiburg 11.05.2010
Images Sound Images Sound
Grafikdesign, Print, Corporate Design, Produktdesign, Web (Flash Movie), Verpackungsdesign, Fotografie
Witten 04.05.2010

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