Brooklyn Brewery Kenneth Shinabery
I wanted to create a series of spec ads for Brooklyn Brewery.
In doing so, I took on the following roles: Art Director, Photographer, Copywriter, Graphic Designer, Retoucher, and Prop Master.
I feel this series showcases my creative ability in several ares. I firmly believe it is important be able to wear many hats. It is what makes a campaign stronger. As an Art Director I feel it is important to know what to expect out of your creative team. If you have the ability to perform each role then you know what to expect and you can manage your team more effectively.
About the ads…
Each image I feel connects the consumer to Brooklyn and more importantly to the Brooklyn Brewery.
The copy is meant to be humorous and fun. The colors were specifically made more vibrant in order to attract one’s eye. I feel the pieces could be used in magazines, posters, billboards, etc. They could even be framed and hung in various locations that distribute and sell alcoholic beverages.
The ads appeal to anyone over the age of 21 and to both men and women. The ads could be featured on subways, buses and around the city.
Kenneth Shinabery
Kenneth Shinabery
Kenneth Shinabery