Walking Dead: Rick Grimes
Kenneth Shinabery

  • Original photo used as reference.
  • The background photo came from one of my UrbEx Projects.  This is an abandoned military base in Belgium that I visited.
  • Walking Dead: Rick Grimes… created with Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 and Adobe Illustrator
  • close-up
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Created using a Wacom Cintiq Companion 2. Learn more about the project by visiting… http://kennshinabery.prosite.com/165582/7518796/gallery/walking-dead-rick-grimes

Original photo used as reference.
The background photo came from one of my UrbEx Projects. This is an abandoned military base in Belgium that I visited.
Kenneth Shinabery
Walking Dead: Rick Grimes… created with Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 and Adobe Illustrator
Kenneth Shinbaery
Kenneth Shinabery

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