Ljubica Zugaj
Graphic Designer

  • Akademischer Grad BA Art studio

Über Ljubica Zugaj

For over five years now, I have worked as a freelance graphics designer on various projects. I always seek new ways to continue growing both personally and professionally, and becoming part of a team would allow me to develop my skills much more efficiently. I was looking for new challenges beyond Serbia for some time, and I was excited to discover your employment advertisement.My experience with agencies began at ZUGAY Ltd. where I worked from 2007 to 2009. I also did an internship at the Mercator shopping center where I worked directly with the art director. The same year I also volunteered at Europrint Ltd. I returned to ZUGAY Ltd. from 2010 to 2011, and then founded my own company. I am an expert user of the Adobe Creative Suite, in particular Illustrator and Photoshop. My training, however, encompasses also a variety of artistic skills such as drawing, painting, and printmaking.


Graphic Designer
Anschrift Ljubica Zugaj

D-14471 Potsdam
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