Marta Duarte Dias
Illustrator and Animator



Über Marta Duarte Dias

I’m Marta Duarte Dias and I’m an Illustrator and Animator from Portugal and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.
I grew up near the beach in the suburbs of Lisbon, Portugal. In 2011, after finishing my studies in fashion and textile design I moved to Berlin where I worked in the fashion industry until 2016. In need of a break from this field I decided to focus myself in the graphic aspect of fashion and I started developing patterns and that organically led to the beginning of my career as an illustrator.
Beginning 2018 I moved again this time to Brooklyn, New York but still working as a freelance illustrator and Animator.
I try not to define my work too much because I’m always curious about trying new approaches and not to restrain myself to just one thing but I value humor above almost anything in life and I think that is reflected on my characters.
With a growing list of clients that you can see on my portfolio I am also always developing personal work.
Feel free to say hello back!


Illustrator and Animator
Anschrift Marta Duarte Dias
New York NY 11206
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