My name is Natalia Kandul a and I’m a photographer of fine art and portraits currently living in Berlin. I got into photography about 5 years ago by taking pictures of friends at special moments, mostly out of private interest.
In 2014 I realized that photography has become my greatest love. So I decided to study photography at the BTK ( Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule) and make this my profession. I am a portrait photographer who wants to reveal some aspect of the personality of the person in front of the camera. This is my personal goal, i.e. to show the inner beauty of people. The way I work is uncomplicated: working in a studio I never need an extravagant scenery. Working outdoors I use any background that inspires me.
I’m available for fine art and portrait photography, modeling portfolios, engagements, headshots, commericals, etc.
My freelance work can be found at Behance, Facebook and 500px.