PANTA Magazine is a new international art magazine with an in-depth look at meaningful art work from all over the world which has the power to face social, cultural or environmental issues. Every issue we present the art work of some of the most innovative and daring artists in our main sections: illustrations, photography, urban art, architecture, art & technology. Additionally, we feature the work of impactful projects and individuals in in-depth interviews and articles. PANTA’s focus is on timeless pieces – you will be able to open any issue at any time and read about a relevant artist or art project. Art is for everyone, but often limited to a self-announced elite in the spaces of galleries, museums, theatres and concert halls. PANTA wants to break this dogma and create a platform for creative talents and artivists. A high focus is placed on exploring the meaningful art work of individuals and collectives who use art as their channel to inspire us to see a different kind of world and who foster social, cultural or environmental change. We encourage our readers from all over the world to share their art work with us to actively create the content of PANTA and make it a collection of meaningful art work. PANTA Magazine is published by Book a Street Artist – an international booking platform for arts and entertainment. Book a Street Artist is a creative business with social impact, re-investing its profits from bookings into urban projects to make cities happier and more colorful with art.
PANTA Magazine is an indie magazine that celebrates creative culture and artivism