Perpetuum Mobilε, co-founded by Ivor Stodolsky and Marita Muukkonen in 2007, is a curatorial vehicle which brings together art, practice and enquiry. It acts as a conduit and engine to re-imagine certain basic historical, theoretical as well as practical paradigms in fields which often exist in disparate institutional frames and territories. PM has worked extensively in the Nordic, European and international field.
Perpetuum Mobilε develops longer-term thematic projects which come to include conferences, workshops, residencies and small and large exhibition formats. The first such umbrella-project, the Aleksanteri Cultural Fora, wedded an international conference on Perestoika with a multi-part exhibition at Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki (The Raw, The Cooked and The Packaged – The Archive of Perestroika Art, 2007-2008), a series of film at the national film archive and publications including FRAMEWORK (No. 8 In Need of Openess / Paths Not Taken).
PM’s new thematic project, RE-ALIGNED, includes partners in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, Germany, Sweden and Norway, where Tromsø Kunstforening provided the first impetus to enable the realisation of the project.
Other ongoing PM platforms include The Perpetual Gypsy Pavilion, launched during the 53rd Venice Biennale in 2009 and The Arts Assembly, an art-and-debate format which has been deployed in a diversity of contexts, including ACSI in Helsinki, the 8th Manifesta Biennale, ENSBA in Paris and CAFA in Beijing.