Piranha Arts
Berlin-based independent creative company

  • Gründung 1987
  • Mitarbeiter 20—49
  • Impressum

Über Piranha Arts

Piranha Arts AG has been active as an independent company in the music and culture sector since 1987. As an established player in the local and international business, we are now best known for the Karneval der Kulturen, the million strong annual street parade and festival – which since 1996 has grown to become the biggest manifestation of cultural diversity in Germany. With major cultural events like the Heimatklänge Festival, Die Nächte des Ramadan and more we were part of reinventing Berlin as an international cultural capital after the Wall fall in 1989.
We travel Europe with the leading music showcase, conference and expo event WOMEX – Worldwide Music Expo – and Classical:NEXT – the global gathering for all art music professionals. From the world, to the world, we carry new sounds and artists with our own independent record & publishing label Piranha, with a focus on African, Gypsy and Jewish music since the beginning.


Berlin-based independent creative company
Anschrift Piranha Arts

D-10965 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Piranha Arts Ag
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web www.piranha-arts.com

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