emproc SYS
With its PROBIS Expert controlling software, emproc offers property developers and project managers, as well as financial…

emproc SYS
  • Gründung 2005
  • Mitarbeiter 20—49
  • Impressum

Über emproc SYS

Thanks to emproc’s broad knowledge of the international market, the controlling software PROBIS Expert, guarantees customised cost databases including individualised benchmarks for your projects. Avail yourself of the quality surveyor’s decade-long, proven experience on relevant indicators of major real estate projects.

By providing expertise and support throughout the entire process period, the PROBIS Expert authorities enable financial institutions, property developers and project managers to use the controlling software and define their individualised benchmarks for respective project portfolios. This creates one single pattern that might equally apply well across all schemes. Consequently, time and costs will be saved.


With its PROBIS Expert controlling software, emproc offers property developers and project managers, as well as financial institutions in the real estate industry, a flexible controlling tool for construction projects. With the aid of the multi-project co
Anschrift emproc SYS

D-82319 Starnberg
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