Architekturfotografie Bernhard Schmerl
Architekturfotografie international :
- Central Station Arnheim, Netherland
- Centre Pompidou, Metz, France
- Liége-Guillemins railway station, Belgium
- The city of Arts and Sciences of Valencia, Spain
- Centro Niemeyer, Avilés, Spain
- Guggenheim-Museum,Bilbao,Spain
- New Synagogue Mainz, Germany
- Motive aus der SerieIm Dunkeln des Lichts
New Synagogue Mainz, Germany
Rohbau einer Kapelle
Alte Industrieanlage, Nordwest- Spanien
The Squaire, Flughafen Frankfurt
Frankfurt a. M.
Centre Pompidou, Metz, France
Centre Pompidou, Metz, France
Centro Niemeyer, Avilés, Spain
Centro Niemeyer, Avilés, Spain
Central Station Arnheim, Netherlands
Centro Niemeyer, Avilés, Spain
The city of Arts and Sciences of Valencia, Spain
Guggenheim- Museum,Bilbao,Spain
Liége- Guillemins railway station, Belgium