Floyd Pepper
Redhead for hire.

Floyd Pepper

Über Floyd Pepper

I am a freelance redhead creating, designing and developing products for some of the most talented digital agencies and clients.

In 2005 I began to create for advertisers, marketers and brands. With ten years of experience in print design, I started my own business in 2015 as a“Redhead for hire” working for many agencies in Berlin – TLGG, RAPP Berlin, Try No Agency, New Now & facts and fiction.

Having grown out of the classical mindset long ago, I donned a pair of moonboots to dare with brands and customers the leap into a new way of digital communication. Since 2019, I have been managing the Swiss network provider Swisscom and Nescafé Dolce Gusto for TLGG as Creative Director.

I am part of the Lovesome Magazine team. My first website was developed on a genuine 80386-Machine in 1997.

I believe in web standards, great concept, beautiful design and I love my clients. They’re the greatest.


Redhead for hire.
Anschrift Floyd Pepper

D-10967 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Floyd Pepper
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web floydpepper.com
13.03.2009 (aktualisiert )

Netzwerk von Floyd Pepper

Angelique Rebentisch Angelique Rebentisch
Sydower Fließ 08.01.2014
Deck ZWO Agentur GmbH Deck ZWO Agentur GmbH
UI, Corporate Design, Webdesign
Berlin 11.09.2019
Anna Duda Anna Duda
Anna Duda Fotografie//Berlin
Berlin 08.01.2014
Homify Online GmbH & Co. KG Homify Online GmbH & Co. KG
homify bietet alles was Endkunden von der Planung bis zur Schlüsselübergabe ihres Traumhauses benötigen.
Berlin 09.01.2014
Ricardo Quintas Ricardo Quintas
Multi Media Grafiker
Berlin 08.01.2014
Viktoria Stoiser Viktoria Stoiser
Grafikdesignerin, Illustratorin
Berlin 22.01.2014
Photographie, Bildbearbeitung, make up
Berlin 08.01.2014
Katrin Gryminski Katrin Gryminski
Grafikerin für Print- und Screen-Design
Berlin 08.01.2014

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