Springstar GmbH
We found and support internet companies around the world.

Springstar GmbH
  • Mitarbeiter 50—99

Über Springstar GmbH

We are a consulting company in the heart of Berlin and support our international partners to realize exciting projects. Our focus is on internet companies, especially eCommerce. Our partners operate in Germany, but also in emerging markets like Turkey, India, Brazil or Russia and are counted among the market leaders in their designated branch. Together with our partners we develop new strategies and approaches to improve their business and optimize important processes. In doing so, we concentrate on development of design and software, online marketing and business development.


We found and support internet companies around the world.
Anschrift Springstar GmbH

D-10178 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Cornelia Hoppe
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web www.springstar.com
01.09.2011 (aktualisiert )

Netzwerk von Springstar GmbH

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