Tales of us gGmbH
Non Profit Organisation

  • Gründung 2019
  • Mitarbeiter 5—9

Über Tales of us gGmbH

Tales of Us is a non-profit organization that is committed to amplifying the voice of storytellers around the world to address critical global issues. Using multimedia as an instrument of change our initiatives focus on uncovering stories and showcasing the intersection of culture, community and nature. Now more than ever the world needs to be connected and we believe we must shift the past colonial lens of hardship and exploitation, not to mention fear-based messages about the environment.


Non Profit Organisation
Anschrift Tales of us gGmbH

D-10999 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Elisabeth Piltz-Rudolph
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web www.talesofus.com

Netzwerk von Tales of us gGmbH

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