Tata Christiane Couture is a vision of the street costume situated at the intersection of sophisticated vintage, museum pieces, and the grotesque dresses of old women. She proposes an absurd and disturbing vision of beauty assembled from decline, malaise, extravagance and immoderation. Neither a concept nor a futuristic vision of society, Tata Christiane operates at the border of elegance and bad taste, digging up old memories and recycling the waste of civilisation. Tata Christiane is a monomania; Tata Christiane is an irreplaceable object. Tata Christiane could have been a punk if she were not also an ambiguous queen, a one eyed flautist, a gypsy woman and a street child. Tata Christiane Couture is for boys and girls, women and transvestites, men and old people, kings and madmen. Tata Christiane Couture is neither obliging nor kind.