Thomas-Mathias Bock
Industrial Designer für Flugzeug Kabinen

Thomas-Mathias Bock
  • Akademischer Grad Dipl. Des.
  • Tätig seit 1974


Über Thomas-Mathias Bock

I have worked as industrial designer/interior architect on all civil AIRBUS cabin types since 74: 3D aesthetics, ergonomics, certified materials, colours,light.+ cabin concepts for A320 old/new, A300/600, A340-200/300/500/600, A330, interior components for A380, A350 movable/fixed overhead stowage bins, PSUs, reading lights, movable sword-type class dividers, coat stowages., special lavatories for busines and first class, monuments, attendant seats, pilot seats, business and first class concepts, side walls, ceiling panels, air grills, bin latches, decor/seat covers..etc. trim&finish consultance for more than 25 airlines worlwide, also in coperation with well known design agencies.

Recommended by
Werner Gronow, ex-Director of Payload Systems, Airbus Industrie,Toulouse:

Thomas Bock entered my services in 1974.
In 1981 he became the leader of the industrial design team.
The A320 cabin interior was to a large extent created by Thomas. He managed to take into account the specific engineering, airworthiness and production constraints of a civil airliner in a harmonious design. This masterpiece of cabin interior design was still in production until 2007.
All following Airbus cabin interiors like those for the different models of A310, A330 and A340 went through the hands of Thomas or were highly influenced by him.

Beside his industrial design work Thomas Bock opened as a pioneer the way for computerized renderings and images. Both for the presentation of decorated interior versions to customers and new interior versions in house.
This was a tremendous break trough compared to the hand made charts of the older days. It enables AIRBUS until today to produce interior color presentations in a cost effective manner and to reach customer decisions quickly.
A must for high production rates in our industry.
The step was only possible due to a close and continued cooperation between Thomas and a highly flexible, knowledgeable and innovative company like ACA
Thomas Bock holds several patent rights for AIRBUS cabin interior components
The leaving of Thomas Bock will be a big loss for Airbus.
I wish Thomas all the best for the future

Werner Gronow
Director Payload Systems Airbus Industrie 7.10.2009

Recommended by
Norbert Grosche
Diplom Designer, ex head of Airbus Corporate design Hamburg

Thomas Bock is definately one of the leading pioneers in the Airbus interior design from the very beginning and he literally shaped the current Airbus cabin to a large extend. He allways was very committed to his projects and loved to work on efficient, realistic, though progressive cabin designs and their detail components.
Thomas Bock’s work is based on his very good technical background and profound knowledge of the Airbus cabin with the aircraft typical restrictions and ways of production.

In addition to the product design work Thomas developped new ways of customer presentations allways trying to be one step ahead of the competition. Applying up-to-date media and innovative visualisations of his designs he submitts very efficient and professionell presentations.

Throughout the years with Airbus Thomas Bock was highly acknoledged by the Airbus managment, his colleagues as well as by the customers and suppliers

recommended by
Glenn Johnson
director advanced design group, B/E Aerospace,
Thomas Bock, is responsible – probably more than anyone else in the aviation industry in bringing computer visualisation to aircraft interiors. In the early eighties he worked with Berg to establish stereo high resolution imagery whilst the competition were still drawing everything by hand…

Plus his work on luggage bin light reflection and the ‚unifying‘ nature of panel design has set a standard that others – such as the BAe 146 (RJ) have since copied… not to mention the grab handles and modular PSU channel design.

Thomas is a true industry pioneer

recommended by
Werner Granzeier, Prof. University of Applied Sciences Hamburg
Owner of iDS Design Hamburg

Thomas Mathias Bock hat mir mir in einigen Projekten Produktentwicklungen erfolgreich zusammengearbeitet. z.B. Fluggastsitze, VIP Konzepte und A 320 Standard Cabin interior ( bis heute über 5000 A/C mit der ersten Generation weltweit verkauft)
Heute weitere Zusammenarbeit im PEREC Forschungsprogramm der HAW Hamburg, AIRBUS und iDS Hamburg.
Weitere Kooperationen sind in Vorbereitung


Industrial Designer für Flugzeug Kabinen
Anschrift Thomas-Mathias Bock

D-21129 Hamburg
Ansprechpartner Thomas-Mathias Bock
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
02.02.2015 (aktualisiert )

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