Here are some samples of concepts I did for various projects in Film & TV business. This are the first steps to visualize the look and the idea of the film. Afterwards I develope these „Sets“ further on by doing construction drawings and bring them to real live.
concept for the filmproject: „Wickie auf grosser Fahrt“
concept for the filmproject „Wickie auf großer Fahrt“
concept for the filmproject „Mara und der Feuerbringer“
concept for the filmproject „Medicus“
concept for the filmproject „Buddenbrooks“
concept for the filmproject „Faktor 8“
concept for the filmproject „Fünf Freunde“
concept for the filmproject „Rubinrot“
concept for the filmproject „Snowden“
concept for the filmproject „Seewolf“
concept for the filmproject „Das Geheimnis der Hebamme“
concept for the filmproject „Sams im Glück“
concept for the filmproject „Wickie und die starken Männer“