Wir bei der Internet Consumer Services GmbH – kurz ICS – betreuen seit 2005 eine Vielzahl erfolgreicher Internet-Start-Ups. Unsere innovativen Geschäftsmodelle verwirklichen wir mithilfe eines weit verzweigten Netzwerks und langjähriger Branchenerfahrung.
We at ICS have been incubating successful internet start-ups since 2005. Based in Germany’s most beautiful city, Hamburg, we use our extensive network and our many years of industry experience to make our innovative ideas reality.
Our current portfolio companies are Emporis (emporis.com), an international provider of building data, and GBV (gbvmbh.de), a leading information and comparison portal for funeral services.
The ICS office is located in Hamburg. The city on the Elbe not only offers a high quality of life, but is also home to numerous successful internet businesses. It is here that industry experts and young talents come together to discuss and implement the latest market trends and developments.
At ICS, you can actively contribute your expertise, realize your ideas and deepen your skills and experience. On top of this, our inviting south-facing sundeck, free soft drinks, creative breaks at our soccer table and regular team events ensure an excellent team atmosphere!