LX e-commerce Solutions GmbH
Wir haben mit Yipiii.co.uk ein Businesskonzept auf den Markt gebracht, das Internetshopping mit Entertainmentelementen…

LX e-commerce Solutions GmbH
  • Gründung 2012
  • Mitarbeiter 5—9

Über LX e-commerce Solutions GmbH

LX e-commerce Solutions is the German Company of Yipiii.

Yipiii is a funded startup that brings E-Commerce and Gaming together and creates the world’s first „Winmarket“ system. A revolutionarily new business concept that enhances the shopping experience with an entertaining gaming element, giving shoppers a chance to win their shopping cart while still getting refunds on purchases. As such, Yipiii follows the very highest standards in existing gaming regulations, transparency and best practices. We launched in UK in 2012 and are currently growing our business in other markets. Our international team consists of senior experts in the digital space and entrepreneurs with a vast track record.


Wir haben mit Yipiii.co.uk ein Businesskonzept auf den Markt gebracht, das Internetshopping mit Entertainmentelementen kombiniert.
Anschrift LX e-commerce Solutions GmbH

D-10117 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Ursula Jocham
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Web yipiii.co.uk

Netzwerk von LX e-commerce Solutions GmbH

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