Mein Online Portfolio.
...Ist endlich fertig. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch. Habe jetzt auch endlich mein Demoreel Online gestellt. Über ein paar Antworten würde ich mich sehr freuen 😀

Morrison, Jim
Beautiful 3D work.
really stunning.
I would suggest having your text content as text however, so people can copy and paste your details, resume out and forward to others in their company etc.. will make a smaller download time of course.. but perhaps this isn’t really an issue. Will def. help in search engines though.
Weta would hire you.. But they take people available in New Zealand. So maybe you should come over..! 1 year work visa available to Germans (I’m doing the reverse next month)
Let me know if you would.. I have a few contacts.
mach’s gut
Of course i would 😀 But actually i don’t think they would hire someone with so less skills. All the people at weta are highly skilled pro’s. And actually i don’t even know how to get in contact with weta.
I’ll add a downloadabel PDF version of my resumé.
- neosushi – aka. david

Morrison, Jim
Its not true that Weta only hires highly skilled pros.. in fact they never would have started if this was the case.
I have heard Richard Taylor speak many times about what he looks for in Candidates, and he looks for drive and passion. I know 3 people who started with them 1 year from Uni. And another mate who they accepted with only a small portfolio (he wasn’t quick enough to come to NZ though)
Their studio is filled with mostly people who have their first or second job there. Just a few hot-shots from hollywood overseeing them.
They did a round up of CV’s about a month ago.. not sure if their still asking for more or not..?
You’d be surprised how young and inexperianced their crew is.. of course after Lord of the Rings.. many have skills now.. but this wasn’t always the way.