Freelance Designer, Art Director, Lecturer Jens Wagner

Beschreibung der Tätigkeit

Yence Studio is a global multidisciplinary design studio for visual communication based in the southern wilderness of Germany, founded by Dipl. Des. Jens Wagner
With curiosity as ignition and non-linear creative processes at its core, YENCE Studio has been working together with influential artists, forward-thinking companies, visionary filmmakers, and cultural institutions to craft vibrant design strategies and content that cultivate conversations and inspire.

Jens Wagner is a German graphic artist, designer & educational lecturer based in the outback of southern Germany. Infused with the realm of pop culture, Swiss grunge iconography, his artistic practice celebrates the dynamic nature of typography and compositions. With his influential personal background in action sports and street art, he is fusing analog and digital techniques at their captivating intersection.

Dipl. Designer Jens Wagner

Qualifikation Berufserfahrung
Einsatzort 72810 Gomaringen, Baden-Württemberg
14.01.2022 (aktualisiert )

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