The designer your team probably can’t afford to hire Bogdan Moga

Beschreibung der Tätigkeit

Fortunately, you don’t have to. At least not full time. But you know you need one, or else you wouldn’t read these words.

What backs this up? I could tell you about my two decades of professional experience, and list all the types of projects I have contributed to. I could tell you about all the famous brands I work with and how the communication teams behind them rely on my work. I could go on and on about how dedicated I am and how highly my clients praise our working relationship. I could write an ad that is better adapted to search engines than to human eyes.

But instead, I’m writing to you, your communication team, saying that I am helpful and that I am a reliable partner. That I offer valuable contributions even if I’m still learning German. That I am quick to respond even if I work remotely – and occasionally on-site in Berlin. That I value human connection and the long term relationships I build with my partners.

Could we work together? Are we a good fit? I don’t know.
But I’m willing to find out.

P.S. I use the term“communication designer” because it’s broader and better reflects my skillset, it combines roles like: art director, creative, graphic designer, editorial designer, brand designer, visual designer, UX / UI designer, web designer, motion designer, illustrator.

Qualifikation Berufserfahrung
Arbeitszeit Teilzeit
Einsatzort 10965 Berlin
Bogdan Moga

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