Just Spices Just Spices – Endlich gute Gewürze PhotoshopFoodBildbearbeitungInDesignIllustrationen 40476 Düsseldord 12.01.2015 (aktualisiert 22.08.2016)
digital spicesWerbungAnimation/3DCorporate Design marketing & communciation 66793 Saarwellingen 12.09.2008 (aktualisiert 05.10.2009)
Just Spices GmbH Konsumgüterindustrie LebensmittelindustrieFoodGewürzeDesignPhotoshopIllustratorInDesignAfter EffectsPremiere ProLightroom 40549 Düsseldorf 12.01.2021
Cuore of Switzerland GmbH Sportartikelindustrie – Customized Rad-/Laufsportbekleidung Art DirectorGrafik DesignDesignGrafikCorporateIdentity 79199 Kirchzarten 02.05.2022
talendo AG talendo – the first job platform from students for students in Switzerland. InternetMobile LearningEducation 10178 Berlin 24.07.2014 (aktualisiert 07.04.2015)
Cocomore AG We are an agency for marketing, IT and experience design with 180 employees at our offices in Frankfurt, Cologne, Geneva (Switzerland) and Seville (Spain). Digital marketingdesign 60329 Frankfurt/Main 07.10.2021
P4U GmbH Start Up that wants to expand Padel in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. SportCommunicationEventsFunResponsibilityPadelSociaety 82319 Starnberg 07.09.2021