Charles&Charlotte – Fiedler Schumann GbR
we’re a facebook and instagram ad agency that only gets paid for the results of its work.
Du suchst nach dem Text „Making“. Möchtest du lieber in der Kategorie Verpackungsdesigner suchen?
we’re a facebook and instagram ad agency that only gets paid for the results of its work.
Ausgebildete Mediengestalterin in Digital und Print mit Schwerpunkt Editorialdesign, Studentin Bachelor of Arts
A social and collective platform which promotes Asian culinary diversity through a series of cooking shows, cooking workshops and dinner events
Programmierung mobiler Applikationen, browsergestützer Web-Anwendungen, intelligente Software-Lösungen für Mobile, Web, Desktop sowie Internet of Things (IoT)
I practice photography for more than 6 years specializing in portrait and documentary. Worked with clothing brands, model agencies, educational organizations. I photograph people for their portfolios, websites, social media. I also take photos of events.