Hochinnovatives Internet – Zielgruppen Marketing/Corporate Web 3.0/Community- und Firmen-Portale
Werbung, Design, Grafik, Illustration, Web, Digital Content, Social Media, Community Management • Illumination, Event, Visuals, Lichtkunst
Shirtfilms ist ein Team junger Kreativer auf der Mission eine Designer-Community ins Leben zu rufen.
Stylished Modelagentur, Fotografen Verzeichnis, Model Community
Multimedia Agentur mit den Schwerpunkten Online Video, Community & Entertainment
Redaktion, Content Marketing, eCommerce, Community Management, Markenstrategien, Change-Prozesse, Reputationsmanagement
Serving Munich’s creative community for the past 3 years, matvond can help launch, rebrand or reinvent your business’s identity as well as handle all aspects of graphic design and illustration from printed collateral to online presence.