HUNGRY FOR GOOD DESIGN & CONTENT. Yummy Stories ist die Designagentur für Branding, Brand Storytelling, Packaging Design und Food- & Weinmarketing mit Sitz in Edesheim in der Pfalz und Karlsruhe.
Professionelle 360-Fotografie, Quick Time VR Vollbild-Panoramabilder
In a relatively short space of time I’ve established a proven record for the delivery of outstanding creative ideas for an impressive portfolio of clients. I am now looking to take my skill and experience on to new and exciting challenges.
We are creating interactive Augmented- and Virtual Reality Applications as well as 360° Movies for Head Mounted Displays and Multitouch Displays.
VISORIC GmbH aus München Experten für 3D Extended Reality und Industrial Metavers
Ideation | Creation | Management for Brand Sound | Time-based media | Brand Design